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Concrete and Plant Rehabilitation & Maintenance Services

Comprehensive services to extend the life cycle of critical assets and reduce maintenance downtime and long-term replacement costs.

Commitment to resource protection and sustainability has increased the need for asset management for water and wastewater treatment plants. As a dependable partner, we work with our customers to protect their assets and maintain operations. The treatment process can lead to rapid deterioration of concrete surfaces and corrosion of concrete reinforcement and steel structures.

USG concrete and plant rehabilitation services provide suitable protection to extend the life cycle of these critical assets, reducing maintenance downtime and long-term replacement costs.

Maintain Optimal Performance of Your Potable Water Treatment Plant

As water treatment plants age, they present a host of issues, from downtime and water quality to compliance issues and increased operational and maintenance expenses. For many municipalities across the country, the risks of failure and the costs are becoming greater and greater. USG concrete and plant services help ensure the long-term performance and reliability of your treatment facility and help maintain water quality.

Improve Water Plant Operations

Ensure Continuous Protection of Your Wastewater Treatment Plant Assets

Wastewater treatment plants are extremely challenging environments due to the aggressive nature of the material treated. USG provides a wide range of services to protect and maintain wastewater treatment facilities, pipelines, and pumping stations. Not only do we solve the problems technically, but we also ease the burden financially.

Plant Maintenance Solutions

Protect Your Concrete Storage Tanks and the Health and Safety of Your Customers

Water storage tanks are large capital assets. Unfortunately, the maintenance of these critical system components is often overlooked or deferred, resulting in water quality violations, customer complaints, and service disruptions. USG provides a wide range of storage tank maintenance services, including tank condition assessments with detailed reports, washouts, chemical cleanings, tank repairs, and comprehensive tank rehabilitation services to extend the service life of your valuable assets while minimizing costs. We also provide a full-service tank asset management program for total peace of mind.

Concrete Storage Tank Services

Featured Projects


Ensuring the long-term maintenance of filters and clarifiers in Vermont

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Protecting concrete tanks from the inside out with proper maintenance in Hendersonville, TN

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Additional Resources

Concrete Water Storage Tank Services
Asset Management
Wastewater Treatment Plant Services